Greater Douglas United Way can provide a complete financial report prepared by an independent auditor and the standards in place for membership certification through United Way Worldwide upon request.
Simply put, money raised here stays here to make the greatest possible impact in our community. Most pledges are not designated for a certain destination. Those dollars are allocated by United Way volunteers who spend hours visiting Member Agencies, evaluating their effectiveness and efficiency. They sift through funding results, analyze the needs of the community, and make informed decisions in allocating United Way dollars. Our fundraising and administrative percentage is at 20%, well below the Better Business Bureau’s standard of 35%. That means 80 cents of every dollar goes directly to a program or service.
Consider giving to United Way as a way to enhance your charitable portfolio. The benefits derived from our United Way gifts are vitally important to our entire community, just as our religious contributions are to our church community.
We all seem to have less disposable income to give to charities these days. The people who feel it most are the health and human services agencies. It’s a catch-
The United Way is not set up to provide direct services to individuals. We refer people to our Member Agencies, funded partners, and other community resources, the experts in meeting the needs of the people. The agencies themselves determine eligibility and amount of aid given to those in need, usually in terms of government guidelines or established policies that prevent people from taking advantage of the system. United Way raises money for the programs and services that can help the most people possible. They are listed in our campaign brochure and on our web site at
United Way is a community based effort that assures givers, as well as receivers, that an essential network of high quality human-
Giving is a personal choice. No one should be coerced into giving. But if we don’t ask, no one’s going to give. The goal of United Way is to educate our community about the social services needs in Douglas County and to provide all with an opportunity to help.
Many people in our local communities have used United Way agencies without even knowing. For example, youth agencies such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Camp Fire; or the YMCA and Red Cross. Even if you or members of your family haven’t used United Way services, it’s comforting to know that they will be there should you ever need them in the future.
Greater Douglas United Way is independent and autonomous from all other United Way offices, including within Oregon. They are operated by a separate Board of Directors, and service the people of their counties. Information you read or hear about United Way organizations in other communities do not reflect the operations of Greater Douglas United Way.
Your pledge to United Way is made in good faith, and is based on your present position and earnings. Should you become unemployed, you are completely and immediately absolved of your pledge for that period, if you are on the payroll deduction plan. When you resume work, you can choose to reinstate your pledge to United Way.
Greater Douglas United Way does not fund abortions or agencies that provide or support them.
If you make your pledge to one of the 29 member agencies of Greater Douglas United Way, your money is directed there. When you designate other non-
People just like you. Concerned citizens who volunteer their time and talents, not just during the fundraising campaign, but all year long. Greater Douglas United Way is an autonomous organization, managed by a 27-
A member agency would not turn anyone away because of an inability to pay. The concept of United Way is that human-
United Way agencies contribute greatly to the quality of life here in Douglas County. Your pledge, along with those of your co-